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The Tree of Liberty

I like guns. I really do. They’re fun to shoot. I’ve never gone hunting, but I would be more than willing to try out duck hunting. Not deer hunting. I’m not patient enough, but duck hunting? Definitely. Shooting at ranges is fun. Trap, skeet, hunting clays? A great time. I don’t own a gun, but I’ve considered buying a shotgun and going shooting more often. Long story short, I like guns.

We need gun control. At this point it’s inarguable. If you’re a Republican, by now you’ve probably already closed this article and think I want to take your guns. I don’t. I like guns. I want my own gun. You might be asking, then what do I mean by gun control? And why do we even need it?

Let’s tackle the second question first. In the last two weeks or so, there have been two high profile mass shootings. First, a man murdered eight people in Atlanta. Then, a man murdered ten people in Boulder. 18 Americans had their lives cut short in two shootings. Many more were injured, both physically and psychologically. And they are far from being the only ones. In 2020, while there were fewer mass shootings (one of the positive side effects of COVID-19, I guess), nearly 20,000 Americans died due to guns. America is the only country where school shootings happen regularly. What’s worse is that by now, they’re met with general apathy.

There’s a famous Thomas Jefferson quote about how the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. America is watering the tree of liberty with the blood of women and children. And America shrugs.

This is unacceptable. Gun control isn’t just a political issue now. It’s a moral imperative. I’ve gotten to the point where if you are against some gun control measures, it’s a major red flag. I’m not saying that if you’re against gun control you want to shoot someone. I’m just saying that at this point, if you’re against gun control, you’re okay with children being murdered. That’s how I see it. I’m past the argument that now isn’t the time, or that it is taking advantage of a tragedy or anything else like that. We can’t keep pushing this off while people die.

So we need gun control. And we need it now. Also, I like guns. Some people think those statements are contradictory. They’re not. Let’s look at what gun control could look like. I would love to see these policies instituted yesterday. And I don’t see an argument against them.
  • No magazines/clips/etc. over 5 rounds. What’s the rationalization behind needing more? Seriously, what’s the purpose? If you’re hunting, you shouldn’t need more than five shots. If you do, just accept that you’re a bad hunter. I will make one exception. Because shooting guns is fun. Licensed gun ranges and gun clubs may have clips larger than 5 rounds.
  • Registration of all guns and ammunition. There will be people out there afraid of government oversight here. After all, if the government knows where all the guns are, they can take them away and prevent the overthrow of the government. Sure. Another thing that prevents the government’s overthrow is the fact that the government has helicopters, fighter jets, and tanks. AR-15s aren’t winning this war.
  • No one person may own more than 7 guns, antique guns not counting, and no family/household may own more than 20. I think you should also put in restrictions on the amount of ammunition a person can own but I don’t know the number or how to account for spent rounds. Why 7? Because I said so, that’s why. I can’t imagine needing more than 7, personally, but make your case.
  • Licensing of gun owners. You need to take classes and get a license to drive a car. Do this for guns too. Make it renewable every 5 to 10 years. If you’re a lawful gun owner, you should be a safe gun owner, too. Now prove it.
I’m happy to discuss why these don’t work or whatever else. But at the end of the day, children are dying. And if I have to give up a very marginal amount of shooting guns to save children? That’s a price I’m willing to pay.
Good article. I would debate the details, ie a hard, unchanging magazine limit across all gun types, or the gun limit - but in principle, I agree with the article. Minus a few irritating points, I like the Canadian system - although I suspect the US may need something firmer than the Canadian system as your gun culture is undeniably different.
Yeah, 1980 calls and wants their arguments back. We did this before and were successful even under Reagan. Nothing new here.