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An Open Letter to the GOP

An open letter to the Republican Party, generally, and specifically, Representative Ann Wagner:

I am sitting here writing this letter following what I believe is Leader McCarthy’s 8th failed attempt to become Speaker of the House. It may actually be the 7th, or perhaps the 9th, the repetitiveness of the votes makes it hard to keep track. At this point, I think that it’s fair to say that Leader McCarthy simply doesn’t have the votes. If he is confused as to the ramifications of that, I would direct his attention to the second act of the much-maligned musical, Hamilton. The rebels (by the way, conceding to them such a cool nickname was a mistake – call them the Republican toddlers, or whiners, or something more condescending than rebels. We all watched Star Wars, but I digress) haven’t coalesced around anyone either. Donalds, Hern, Jordan, Trump have all received votes. They’ve also said they won’t vote for anyone in Republican leadership, so there goes Scalise and Stefanik.

At this point, you have to ask yourself, what’s next? Or more accurately, who’s next? I say, why not me? Let me lay out my argument:
  • DC Outsider: I have never once served any political office, let alone one in Washington D.C. I’m about as far from an insider or member of the swamp as you can get. One caveat – and I understand if this is disqualifying – I did serve as president of my youth group in high school, so I have served an elected position.
  • Leadership Skills: As I mentioned, I served as president of my youth group in high school. I also served on the executive board of various organizations in law school. I know what is required to lead. But even more importantly, I know when to let people step up and take bigger roles. I think that would be great.
  • Parliamentary Skills: Okay, fine, I’ll brag on myself a little bit. In college, I did Model UN and my delegation was awarded for excellency. Sure, I did not do it alone, but I like to think I played a part. And besides, no one can do it alone in Congress. But clearly, I have some parliamentary chops. Plus, I love watching Prime Minister’s Questions and looking at the Speaker of the House of Commons’ role. I think bringing the same perspective would be great for Congress.
  • Midwestern Credit: Representative Wagner, I am from your hometown. I think we both know that the path to greatness is built on Ted Drewes concretes and toasted ravioli. But more importantly, the Midwest is the heart of America. I know the people. I can get things done for them.
This sounds like exactly what you’re looking for as Speaker. I’m sure you’ll have some questions and I’m happy to answer them – it’s not like most of you have anything better to do at the moment. That said, I do have a couple demands:
  • Popcorn Machine: I have no idea if the House already has one, but I’m a big fan of popcorn. I want one to be installed at least in someone’s office, so that if we have to stay late, I have a nice salty snack. Looking at you Indiana delegation.
  • Committee Appointments: I’m not asking to do these myself, but I think committees should be equally divided. After all, two parties, so 50/50 makes sense. It’s only fair. I’m sure you’ll understand.
  • Vacation Motion: I know what you’re thinking. McCarthy wanted 5 people, the rebels only 1. However, that’s the wrong vacation motion. Every six months, I will allow a motion, with the support of at least three members of the majority or the minority, for the House to take a vacation. Two weeks. Everyone can go somewhere, kick their feet up, and come back refreshed and ready to get things done for the American people.
  • Motion to Vacate: Okay fine, we should be serious about this. Frankly, I don’t want to have to move to D.C. just to leave days after. Like most Americans, I can’t afford that. Here’s my proposal: 5 members of each of the majority and minority or 25 members of either. I would go lower, but we’ve seen what 20 members can do and I don’t want to have to deal with that.
As I said, feel free to reach out with questions. I will say, I would like to win specifically on ballot 69 for the memes (if you don’t understand, ask one of the members of your party who uses Twitter a lot (other than Sen. Grassley)). We have some time to get there, but this offer won’t last forever.
